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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
Malta has always been one of the most attractive country for the foreign investors. The situation has changed after the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) voting to grey list...
EMI (Electronic Money Institution) for acquisition in European Union (Lithuania) – a remarkable opportunity for sale. If you are...
Electronic Money Institution EMI and SEPA in Lithuania and UK
SEPA connections may be done by Electronic money institution (EMI) or payment institution registered...
New amendments to requirements in operation of crypto companie
Since the adoption of the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5) Estonian companies dealing...
Crypto currency license in Estonia - New requirements
Previously we wroteabout Crypto currency license in Estonia and requirements from the government. This article is going to be about new requirements...
There are several easy ways to acquire a residence permit in Lithuania and be able to live and travel in the European Union (Schengen). Among most common are by...
Registration of national trademark is an administrative procedure, different than EU trademark registration, because it is initiated by the holder of the mark in front of the national Patent...
Mr. Stoychev, a very intelligent student with high sense of responsibility, has just started his internship in Gencs Valters Law Firm in Riga. He is very motivated, and he will...
Since September Mr Kivihuhta, a hard working law student from Finland, is a trainee at Gencs Valters Law Firm office in Estonia. Right now he is spending his last days as an intern...
Если Вы желаете начать бизнес в Латвии, мы предлагаем Вашему вниманию краткую...
Если Вы...
Если Вы...
During 2016 summer Mr Trusevic, a very keen law student from Netherlands, spent a month on a internship at Gencs Valters law firm office in Vilnius, Lithuania. After his...
Viesturs Tamužs, successful businessman and a partner at Eco investor, in his book ‘Ķīmiķis ķemmē un saķemmē’ (author’s translation: Chemist brush...
At the summer of 2016 student from Finland (Lappeenranta) took part in internship in Gencs Valters Law firm. Intern took practical internship in Estonian office, Tallinn. Sara...
In spring 2016 student from Georgia (Kutaisi) took part inGencs Valters Law firm'sinternship program. Intern took practical internship in Estonian...
Tadas Bulota has joined our Law firm from June 20. He has gained strong legal background atChicago-Kent College of Law (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA) where he obtained...
To expand the professional knowledge and experience about International taxation Gencs Valters Law Firm became a member of the...
At the beginning of 2016 student from Finland (Helsinki) took part in internship in Gencs Valters Law firm. Intern took practical internship in Estonian office, Tallinn. Tommi...
On 11 May, 2016 the 20th Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia took place at...