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The European Union trademark registration gives exclusive rights in all current and future countries - members of the European Union through a single registration filed online. The revenant agency, where...
On 4th of January 2017, the Opposition Division of the EU Intellectual Property Office issued...
On 19th of December 2016, the Opposition Division issued a decision regarding opposition against application of an EU trademark. The opposition division is...
According to the European Union Trademark Regulation (EUTMR) the owner of a registered EU trademark is entitled to several rights in order to...
Under European Union trademark implementing regulation (EUTMIR) there is a requirement for the...
Recently Opposition Division of European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) rejected and EU trademark due to the likelihood...
On 23 March 2016 Regulation (EU) No 2015/2424 of the European Parliament and the Council regarding the EU trade marks entered into force. This is...
On 12th of December 2016, the Opposition Division as part of the European Union Intellectual Property office, has issued a decision regarding opposition against EU trademark registration....
On 10 November 2016, The Court of Justice of The European Union issued a decision regarding a preliminary ruling request by The Maritime and...
Recently the final decision was made by the General Court of European Union regarding EUTM registration after the dispute was ongoing...
Opposition Division of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)...
Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)...
MARQUES is an Association, which helps the brand owners with registration of trademarks in the European Union (EU) and worldwide. The Association was...
Recently the General Court (European Union) made a decision regarding the relative grounds for refusal of European Union trade mark registration. The...
ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark Association) founded in 1934.
ECTA assist trademark professionals with trademark registrations in European Union...
CITMA Founded in 1934, chartered in 2016, The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) (https://www.citma.org.uk/home) is a...
On 12 December 2016, the Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) signed the Decision adopting the...
On 23 March 2016 Regulation (EU) No 2015/2424 of the European Parliament and the Council regarding the EU trade marks entered into force. This is part of important reform in the European Union...
The so-called (ECTA) by itself is an association, dealing mainly with the trademarks in the EU and all related aspects. Roughly the structure of ECTA is composed by different Committees and together...
On 13th of September 2016 the Second Chamber of the General Court issued a judgement regarding revocation proceedings of an EU trade Mark. The main parties in...